Mary Magdalene - Invitation to Love Copyright 2010 Janet McKenzie
Community History and Mission Statement
The Mary of Magdala community began with a small group of Roman Catholics in the fall of 2011 who were interested in exploring affiliation with the Ecumenical Catholic Communion (ECC). The group originally called itself Seekers & Pilgrims to reflect the various ways members might look at celebrating the Catholic tradition while on their faith journey.
Two initial masses were celebrated, each attracting over 70 people, with Fr. Len Schreiner, preciding Vicar of the Rocky Mountain Region of the Ecumenical Catholic Communion at that time.
In March, 2012, the community began celebrating mass twice a month at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church with the assistance of priests from nearby ECC churches and former Roman Catholic priests within our own community. Weekly masses began in September, 2012 with five priests who have agreed to serve our community on a rotating basis through May, 2013.
In the fall of 2012, the community voted to affiliate with the national Ecumenical Catholic Communion. A small committee began working in December, 2012 to draft a constitution adapted from other Colorado ECC communities and in February, 2013 the entire steering committee reviewed and edited it. The constitution is posted on the website for review by all community members. The first all community meeting was held on April 21, 2013 after Mass to ratify the constitution and select the leadership council.
All Are Welcome
A member of the Ecumenical
Catholic Communion
Mary of Magdala is an inclusive independent catholic community, welcoming each and all as the Beloved of God. We are ecumenical; we celebrate the rich heritage of catholic spirituality while honoring all spiritual traditions. We strive for justice and peace, and respond to the call of discipleship by loving deeply and rooting our lives in prayer and service.
The core values of our community include: (1) inclusivity, (2) forgiveness and reconciliation, (3) genuine caring for one another, (4) hospitality – welcoming all, (5) community, (6) laypersons’ empowerment, (7) primacy of conscience, (8) a sacramental life, (9) honoring tradition, (10) exploring new ideas, and (11) valuing love over law.